His name is Salman and he is 11 years old. He is from Bangladesh but he lives in Italy from 2014. He likes both continents: he likes sea in Italy and mountains, and historical monuments. In Bangladesh he likes fishing with his grandfather and going to lakes. It’s a long time he haven’t go back to his country.  He has the passion to become an artist, he is very good at painting, and he really admirer Van Gogh.

Salman has other two dreams: to become a professional football player, like many football legends and he also  wants to be a dentist. 

He likes a game called Brawl stars and he is good at study. He really likes going out and having fun, especially eating. 

He is a bit naughty but when he wants he can be a angel. 

He never stops playing on his cell phone.



  1. S. 
