Our school educates students of various ages from 6 to 14 years old.

In all grades we have read the story of Alice in English on different levels.

It was a good reading and listening skills exercise.

The 8th grade students decided to create an audio book using the pictures their 6th

grade schoolmates draw last year. They compiled the presentation and recorded 

the voice files to be attached.

Finally we presented the slide show in our English lessons.

We hope the students of our Comenius partner school will also enjoy watching it!Sorridente



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Scuola aperta il pomeriggio la sera e nei week end

Circolare n.7 Incontro 1 ottobre per co-programmazione Non solamente nelle ore di scuola

  • Ai Docenti, alle Famiglie e agli Alunni dell’Istituto Comprensivo ‘Giovanni Palombini' di Roma
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